OCIA—The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
Director of Faith Formation: Maria Oswald (702) 871-1904 x 288
A journey of faith; a journey into the Roman Catholic Faith Community for those adults (above the age of 18) who are not baptized or who have been baptized in another Christian Faith or who need the Sacrament of First Holy Communion or Confirmation.This journey is marked by stages that are separated by Rites that are celebrated within the faith community at appropriate times.
How do I begin this journey?
Stage 1 — Non-Catholic Inquiry
- These sessions are held each Wednesday at 6:00 pm. in English in Room 1 and Sunday at 11:30am in Spanish in Room 1 of the Activity Center; (excluding Federal Holidays).
These sessions are :
- A dialogue between the facilitator and the inquirer.
- An opportunity to seek answers to your questions about our faith.
- An opportunity to learn what we believe.
- An opportunity to discover how God is working in your life.
- An opportunity to discern whether you want to become Roman Catholic.
These sessions are not:
- Marked by tests or exams
After an appropriate period, which varies with each individual, and the discernment that the individual wants to move forward, a rite is scheduled during a Sunday Liturgy:
- A Rite of Acceptance into the Catechumenate for those who are not baptized.
- A Rite of Welcome for those who are baptized in other Christian Faiths.
- A Rite of Welcoming of those seeking First Holy Communion and /or Confirmation.
Stage 2 — Sunday Dismissals
- Begins Second Sunday of Advent 2024
- Individuals are dismissed after the homily from Sunday Liturgy to go with a catechist and further reflect on the Word of God heard during the liturgy and its meaning and impact on their life.
- Individuals continue to learn about our faith, our prayer life and our responsibilities and a member of the community through these sessions and deeper involvement in the faith community.
- The first Sunday of Lent, those who choose to continue the journey celebrate a Rite of Sending at Sunday Liturgy at which they sign the Book of the Elect. That afternoon, they gather with the Elect from all the churches in our Archdiocese to participate in the Rite of Election. They are presented to the Bishop and are affirmed for their decision.
Stage 3 — The Lenten Period of Purification and Enlightenment up to Easter Vigil
- Individuals Continue their Sunday Dismissals
- Individuals participate in prayer and discernment opportunities.
- Individuals will celebrate Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
**For those Adults in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation ONLY, click HERE